User Authentication and Identification
Detection & removal of Ghost / Black-listed Employees (many large customers have reported great financial saving on this account).

Reader Management
Real time data resulting in better Man Power Planning, helps managers know what's going on at a glance, improves operational…

Biometric Data Management
Quality finger enrollment through high quality scanner. Hassle free and fast finger template upload / remove on Biometric Devices.

Time and Attendance
Payroll Management
Reader Management
Identity and Access Control
Biometric Data Management
Contract Workforce Management
User Authentication and Identification
Time Office Software
Payroll Software
Advance Enrollment & Reader Management
Student Attendance Management
Workforce Management System
Visitor Identification Desk
Contract Labour Management
Call Us
+91 11 4981 6000 (60 Lines)
Business Hours
09:00 am to 05:00 pm
Monday to Saturday